Thursday, May 12, 2011

My First Time

I have been a comedy voyeur for a very long time. I feel free when I am in the audience; anonymous and open minded as it were. There's nothing more satisfying to the human mind as to be able to relate with another on a subject of common yet unspoken feeling.

When you're in the audience and you agree whole-heartedly with the sentiment, you laugh harder because you know its the low down dirty truth! I love comedy for it's little truths. It is fundamentally a guy telling a story about a funny thing that happened on the way to the BLANK. It is life's foibles encouraging us to laugh through the pain.

I must say that I often have some ridiculous tale of hilarity from the week that gets repeated to the point that it becomes a joke. Recent example, I was on my way to work early one morning when I see a suspicious character standing against the fence. Of course I had to look, and as it turns out it was just your run of the mill pissing hobo. I got an eyeful of dickn'balls (spellcheck suggested 'duckbills' ahhhaaaa.) You just gotta laugh! My friends will say, Oh! That's a good joke! but No, that really happened just the way I told it. Its like now that I have announced the objectification of my comedic skills they just assume that I am formulating or testing new material all the time. I told y'all before, comedy is the only thing I'm serious about and life is seriously funny!

So I got  to thinking....I could do that! And since I am so grateful for the therapy comics have given me over the years, now that I am healthier I too can be a comedy interventionist. I began to write down idiocies and oddities and quickly found that I had a good amount of material. I was encouraged by my fellow comedy junkie Julian Hamara, who recently staged the smash hit cubo-futurist opera Victory Over the Sun. His incredible creative energy really spurred me to think bigger than just telling stories.

So I did it. I owe my big break to Bruno Ly and Bobby Forget, two hilarious dudes who run the open mic at House of Reggae Thursday's at 9 pm. I am grateful to you all, George Braithwaite, Morgan O'Shea, Kris Dulgar, Trevor Forestell...and so many more! You have inspired me so much in the past years. I like to think of you as big brothers of comedy....(has anyone coined the term BILF yet??? Sick.) They all congratulated me and encouraged me, though I know it's just that first time consolation. But it felt good! Infact I haven't seen the tape yet so I don't know what I said. It was like I went into the light and awoke to find a mic in my hand and everyone laughing. Who knows what I said. But I do know that I am hooked! In the words of Paul Baluyot, I have broken through my comedy hymen.

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